Man traveling alone for magical outdoor adventures | Photo by Roberto Shumski

There’s magic in solo traveling. It’s the journey to unfamiliar places, strangers you meet on the way, and uncharted paths you take—that’s what makes traveling alone interesting.

Going on magical outdoor adventures on your own means peace and freedom. In a sense, you’re free to go anywhere and do whatever you want on your journey. And only in that tranquil moment with yourself, only basking in the sounds of nature, can you feel the true meaning of peace.

A Time for Reflection

Girl sitting on a wooden platform
Girl sitting on a wooden platform | Photo by Keenan Constance

Going on an adventure outdoors alone lets you reconnect with yourself. It’s a time to reflect on your beliefs and choices in life. In these moments of self-reflection, you can better understand many aspects of yourself.

Sit on a tree branch and reflect on your strengths, weaknesses, skills, problems, and achievements. Stare at the horizon far beyond the shore and think about what truly makes you happy. While traversing the desert sands, damp forest soils, or cool mossy woods, it’s not just a journey to a place you like but also a journey to you.

You can take this as a journey to self-discovery. “Soul searching,” as they call it.

Common Reasons for Traveling Solo

Girl walking on a street
a photo of a woman walking in the city | Photo by Jonathan Borba

Based on recent solo travel statistics, 42% more people have been taking solo trips over the past years. Apparently, traveling alone is becoming a common item on most people’s outdoor bucket lists.

Is it because they have plenty of time to explore on their own?

Well, probably. While traveling alone on a guided tour or with the company of fellow travelers is equally enjoyable, the joy of striking out on your own just hits differently. There’s something different about navigating places on your own. Can you feel it?

Or maybe it’s the perks of a private room!

What’s better than retiring to your own room after a long day of thrilling adventures alone? There’s a reason why solo travelers often hold back from traveling with a group. Most people just don’t want to be paired up with a roommate they don’t know yet. Can you imagine how it feels?

Alright, alright, we’ve proven our point. Solo traveling is a beautiful experience. But what does the other side of it say?

Magical Outdoor Adventures on a Dark Lens

Picture of a shore in grayscale
a black and white photo of a beach | Photo by Matheus Bertelli

Indeed, traveling alone is exciting, but it’s not perfect. Before you tick the box in your bucket list for magical outdoor adventures, consider the risks as well.

1. The Security Risks

When you’re at the wrong time and the wrong place, the bad guys or “demon shadows” will meet you by surprise. Especially when you’re traveling to remote areas, theft and kidnapping are the common risks of your solo trips.

2. The Inability to Ask for Emergency Help

Disconnecting once in a while is a healthy habit. But please don’t forget that it can be difficult for you to contact someone reliable in emergencies. When you’re out alone in remote, unpopulated areas, to whom can you ask for help?

3. The Feeling of Isolation and Loneliness

The world is a vast space for you to move around freely. From trees to lakes to hills, the wonders of magical outdoor adventures thrill you with exciting scenic spots. But the absence of someone you’re comfortable with by your side can make you feel isolated. Sometimes, it’s nice to have someone to share the experiences with.

4. The Limited Support

Conquering magical outdoor adventures alone means every single decision rests solely on your shoulders. This is when you need to rely on your resourcefulness and problem-solving skills. The saddest part is when something goes wrong, you feel more vulnerable.  

On the bright side, embarking on magical outdoor adventures alone will be your most unforgettable experience ever. It’s something you can talk about over and over. With the right preparation, you can (hopefully) avoid the risks as much as possible.

Remember These Tips for Your Next Solo Trips

Just like traveling in groups, traveling alone can also have mishaps. So, keep in mind the following safety tips before traveling alone:

Research Your Travel Destination

Never forget to read the travel advice for your destination. Consider the weather, especially on your planned travel schedule in the area. If you’re traveling to a place of people of a specific ethnic or cultural background, be aware of particular risks as well. Let’s face the reality that some people in some places may be hostile toward tourists.

Plan Your Accommodation Thoroughly

Check for local accommodations and find budget-friendly options as much as possible. But of course, you can research your choices on review sites. Be sure to check for any safety issues. More importantly, book your accommodation ahead of time.

Take note: avoid sharing accommodation details with strangers.

Keep an Emergency Plan Handy

Research the risks you might face and what to do should they happen. Keep a list of contacts for local emergency services, hospital and public clinics, and the nearest embassy or consulate (if applicable).

Learn Their Mother Tongue

This is one of the most crucial preparations when traveling to a place where they don’t speak the same language as you. Thus, it’s important to learn at least some key phrases in the local language. Some of the phrases you need are basic terms about accommodation and transport, asking for essential facilities, and emergency phrases.

Also, learn to firmly say “no” in their local language or use nonverbal cues to avoid unwanted attention.

Bring a Book with You

Non-fiction will do. But as a young adult, the benefits of reading fiction stay with you forever. While traveling, reading fiction is just as magical. “Castle Forks,” a magical outdoor adventure book by Chris Cochrane, is an excellent read.

In this book, young Chris and his father take you on a journey to a magical world of demon shadows attacking the inhabitants of Castle Forks. Join them in their mission and adventure. Grab a copy now from your preferred order site!

On final thought, we wish you a safe journey. Is this going to be your first solo trip? If you ever need some advice, leave a comment. We can share some thoughts and additional reminders with you.  

Chris Cochrane is a talented author known for his enchanting children's books, including The Dinglehopper Blueberry Belly-Button Snooter and Castle Forks. With a passion for storytelling, Chris crafts whimsical tales that captivate young readers and impart valuable life lessons about friendship, trust, and adventure. His imaginative narratives and vibrant characters invite children to explore the wonders of their own creativity. Chris believes in the power of stories to inspire and connect, making reading a delightful experience for families. When he’s not writing, he enjoys spending time outdoors, drawing inspiration from nature for his next literary adventure.
Chris Cochrane

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